Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reality hits you hard ......

Life was gettin better as days went by
I knew I was in love

The sky was bright, sunny and beautiful
I knew I was in love

The flowers bloomed around me
I knew I was in love

Even nights seemed bright like day
I knew I was in love

Everything felt alright all of a sudden
I knew I was in love

Thinking about you made me smile
I knew I was in love

I always felt someone next to me
I knew I was in love

Later on, with tears in my eyes
I realized it was all a dream.

- Rohini John

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Such is love.......

When our eyes met each other
Heaven came down on earth

When our lips met , it felt like
Blessings were showered from heaven

My heart finds solace in your arms
I cannot think about losing you

Every single day of my life is yours
Without you life is nothing

My life bloomed with happiness
The day you came into my life.

- Rohini John

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Love is............

Want you to hold me and,

tell me that you love me

Look at me smile and tell me

"I wud die to keep that smile on your face."

Look into my eyes and

tell me all this is real

Tears rolling down my face

I thank god for giving me you

- Rohini John

Friday, November 12, 2010

Is this love ...........

I wonder what is happening to me

I wonder why my heart hums tunes by itself

I wonder why every single moment is beautiful

I wonder what happened to me when I saw you first

I wonder why it all felt like a impossible dream, but beautiful

I wonder what happens everytime we talk

I wonder why I miss you as soon as we stop talking

I wonder why one day without you can drive me mad

I wonder why I feel like I cannot live without you

I wonder if I am madly in love with you.

- Rohini John

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sometimes we do not appreciate what we have and run behind what we don't have !! Later on, you start to realize the importance of the things you have in life, but by then you probably might not have it anymore.

- Rohini John

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Whatever be it, good or bad, learn to appreciate it or else you will find it hard to live !

- Rohini John

Saturday, July 3, 2010

When life gives you pain, grow STRONGER !!!

- Rohini John